SIL Housing Provider

Enquire About NDIS Services

Enquire About NDIS Services

Are you NDIS participant?

SIL Housing Provider

Supported Independent Living or SIL is funding that supports an NDIS recipient living independently as possible. The service usually provides to the individual who needs 24/7 support.

For NDIS-approved supported independent living in Sydney, Paradise and Paradise Care can be your trusted place. We have a reliable team for SIL support who are always ready to help you. The support we offer includes below.

SIL Housing Provider
  • Help our clients with daily tasks cooking, cleaning, shopping, etc.
  • Assist in doing social and community activities.
  • Manage the appointments of our clients and help them to attend on time.
  • Provide support in the house.
  • Assist in household management and budgeting.
  • Manage the house workers.

The Benefits You Will Get

Supported Independent Living NDIS is designed to let you enjoy more choice and control in your life despite your disability. It provides the following benefits.

  • You can stay independently in any place you want. You don’t have to rely on others for making your living decision.
  • The community activities broaden your social circle. You can meet with other similar-minded people and make new friends.
  • Get opportunities to make yourself more rewarding.
  • Maintain your freedom while ensuring your safety.
  • 24 hours assistance in any of your need

How You Can Get Supported Independent Living funding?

Like any other NDIS planning, the first step to getting the SIL fund is to prove your necessity and situation to your NDIS planner. You need to explain why your demand is reasonable.

Besides NDIS group homes need to be approved by Occupational Therapists. This is why it’s quite hard to find a SIL house. However, It’s also possible to get SIL funding for your own home or private rental.

The Levels of SIL Fundings

Depending on the level of support you need, SIL can be divided into three categories. They are –

Lower Need: When you don’t need assistance 24/7, this type of SIL service is suitable for you. Under this, you will get an assistant for a fixed period.

Standard Need: This provides supervision 24/7 for conducting daily tasks as well as overnight sleepovers.

Complex Need: An individual with challenging behaviour needs this kind of support. The service includes behavioural support, complex medical needs management, and so on.

Why Choose Us?

At Paradise and Paradise, we always prioritize our client’s welfare and come up with a customized solution for every individual. Besides, the following facts also make us a reliable choice for you.

  • We are a registered NDIS service provider in NSW with essential qualifications to provide SIL service.
  • Since SIL is a little bit different from other NDIS services, we assist you to manage your plan more effectively.
  • We are committed to fulfilling your every unique demand.

For any kind of SIL support, contact us. Our team is always ready to assist you. We are just a phone call away!

Frequently Asked Question

What is Supported Independent Living (SIL)?

Supported Independent Living (SIL) is a program that assists you in living as independently as possible. If you are disabled and live alone or in a shared residence, SIL can give you with assistance. Next has various SIL openings in Adelaide, Sydney, Brisbane, and Melbourne, and we may also assist you in locating suitable handicap accommodations. We place a major emphasis on matching those who prefer to live together with those who share similar interests, personalities, and objectives.

SDA is housing created specifically (or existing housing modified) for people with high-intensity requirements.

SIL, on the other hand, refers to the on-site supports and services for daily life that enable persons to live as independently as possible.

If you require both specialised housing solutions and daily living support, your NDIS plan will finance SDA and SIL separately. This gives you more options, as you can live in housing that meets your needs and access the SIL supports of your choosing.

Individual requirements vary from person to person. We would discuss your present living condition to identify the optimal transition status, and then we would give a seamless process of moving into your new house to ensure your comfort during the transfer.

SIL benefits include:


Owning a home gives you more control over your life.  Paradise & Paradise Care professional personnel can assist with:

  • Including showering and dressing. Cooking,
  • cleaning, and laundry are daily skills.
  • Budgeting and housekeeping.
  • Communication and social skills.
  • Support overnight.

Friend making

Moving is a great way to make new acquaintances. Next knows that living with others is a terrific way to create relationships, therefore we try to match you with others of a similar age and interests.

Paradise & Paradise Care will help you engage in the community, preserve crucial relationships, and build positive and meaningful connections if you live alone or with others.


Now is the time to investigate how to make your life easier and more fulfilling. Moving into your own space gives new options. You may wish to live closer to work, day programs, or activities. Or you may want to live where we can help you build skills or restore independence.

Privacy, choice

Paradise & Paradise Care helps you create a home. You can customise your room. Privacy is crucial. If you live with others, you’ll share kitchens and living rooms, but you’ll have your own bedroom.

Help Is Available While it’s thrilling to move into a new house and acquire independence, you may be anxious about being without family, guardian, or vital supports. Each person who moves out or into a new home requires time to build confidence and life skills. At Paradise & Paradise Care, our support staff listen to you and help you achieve your goals.
