STA Housing Provider

Enquire About NDIS Services

Enquire About NDIS Services

Are you NDIS participant?

STA Housing Provider

Paradise and Paradise Care offer Short Term Accommodation or STA service to an NDIS participant. STA support, previously known as NDIS respite, lets you experience a short stay away from your usual place. You will pair up with a support worker who will look after you for a while.

Under NDIS respite care, both you and your career can have a break and enjoy your time as you want.

At Paradise and Paradise Care, we always offer the best solution as per the situation of every individual. Therefore, our service includes but is not limited to –

STA Housing Provider
  • Provide a support worker to assist our clients with their particular needs. Whether our clients are staying at home or participating in outside activities, the worker will always stay beside them.
  • Arrange a group respite activity for our clients.
  • Overnight or weekend facility-based support.
  • Serve food.
  • Arrange short-term accommodation.

Does NDIS pay for respite care? Some of our clients contact us with this question. Well, respite care can be provided through informal care from a close person. In this case, the care is not funded by the NDIS.

In other cases, NDIS may fund the care depending on the situation. STA is usually funded for up to 14 days at a time. If you need support for a longer period, you need to go for longer-term arrangements like Medium Term Accommodation or Supported Independent Living.

What Makes Paradise and Paradise Care Special?

At Paradise and Paradise, we never turn our clients away based on their funding status from the NDIS. This is the key reason that makes us one of the sincerest NDIS short-term accommodation providers in NSW. Besides, the following facts also make us the perfect choice for you.

  • We are a registered NDIS service provider and also have the essential qualification to provide STA service.
  • Since STA works differently from other NDIS services, we review your plan and then come up with a customized solution that is perfect for you.
  • We prioritize your every need and try our best to fulfil your every unique demand.
  • No matter what your situation is, you can always get our reliable support.

Well, people need change. Don’t let your disability block you in the same surroundings. Both you and your caregiver need to spend some time apart. It will strengthen your bonds. And the feeling of independence makes everyone happy.

So, don’t hesitate to contact us when you need a little break from your usual life. Our support team is always ready to help you in your urgent moment.

Contact us to get further information or to book our service as soon as possible. We are waiting to hear from you.

Frequently Asked Question

What is Short-Term Accommodation (STA)?

STA provides respite care to give you and your caregiver a rest

It includes STA support and respite care. STA provides short-term, supported living away from home.

STA is:

  • One-on-one short-term care with a support person for your needs. This might be spent at home or in the community at camps.
  • Group respite options match your requirements with others who may have similar needs and interests
  • Your requirements and interests connect with shared STA facilities for overnight or weekend support.

While STA is frequently provided in a group setting, some organizations offer home-based services. Some providers book hotel apartments. STA isn’t just about accommodation; it also includes assistance.

A brief absence from home can be beneficial for:

  • build new acquaintances and contacts
  • take on new endeavors
  • Take in some fresh sights
  • Do something new and uncomfortable
  • Relax and reenergize
  • boost your independence

A lot of STA providers include capacity-building group activities in their stay packages, like art therapy sessions, team-building exercises, or day trips.

Staying in STA allows you to enjoy a respite from routine while giving your informal support system some alone time.

Both of you will benefit from taking a break from your caregiver because it can help preserve healthy connections with your family and caregiver. Because senior caregivers are more likely to have their own health difficulties, STA is a terrific opportunity for them to take a break and refresh. As you transition to Support Independent Living and living away from home, planned regular stays away from home can also help you become more independent.
